Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It was morning on a warm summers day. I was rather nervous because it was going to be my first day working with macaws. These particular macaws were a mated pair and buggers. They knew full well that their nasty beaks could snap a finger off. I think someone accidentally told them, which is sad. So due to this knowledge they had, it was rather difficult to catch them up. Several of us were waiting with baited breath while the one keeper in the zoo who could catch them without losing a finger arrived. The macaws were housed in the old cat house at the time. I was sitting along the observation window to the outside enclosure for the tigers. A couple of the cat keepers were there with me to learn how to catch these wicked birds. Well, being morning, one of the female tigers was released into the yard so her enclosure could be cleaned properly without fear of being eaten. She entered the yard and saw me sitting with my back to the window. She crouched immediately. Her prey was in sight. Stealthy and sly she crept forward, making herself as invisible as possible. I had seen her out of the corner of my eye and knew the game was afoot. I stayed perfectly still waiting for my opportunity. She wiggled and pounced hitting the glass pretty darn hard. I saw her leap and jumped up myself hitting the glass at the same time she did. And now it was my turn. I crouched down low and stalked the waiting tiger. I wiggled and pounced and as before she hit the glass at the same time that I did. This time she stayed on her hind legs digging at the glass with her front paws. I put my hands where her front paws were and tried to make the glass disappear. No luck, so she ran around the enclosure and got into position. Again, crouching, stalking and wiggling from both of us. And again, pounce! Much digging again and this time she dropped to all fours and cheeked rubbed my hands. I was trying so desperately to make that horrible glass go away! She head butted the glass a few times, as did I and was called away for breakfast. I then realized that there were about half a dozen people staring at me, gaping. One of the cat keepers looked at me and said "I have never seen her play like that with anyone. That was the coolest thing I think I have ever witnessed."

1 comment:

  1. I love this story! I could only imagine playing with a tiger like that!
