Saturday, February 3, 2018


I am currently reading this series that the "bad guy" is the dark side of magic. Its called the Decay. The Decay came from people using magic to intentionally hurt other people. And the more they used it to hurt, the more it grew, almost consuming everything and everyone. Some people got together and fought the Decay and almost eradicated it. Almost. Some lingered and made its way into a person who then spread the Decay slowly throughout the different kingdoms. The Decay promises great power, and it delivers but it corrupts absolutely. And the more you give in to hurting others, the more power you get.
Right now, I see the government in the grips of this Decay. It came in with promises of power and greatness. And there is both, but at the expense of people. Its hurting many but the Decay keeps growing. So many are buying into the enticement of greatness, power, money, wealth.. and they are getting it. And people see that those who let go of that little voice that says "this might hurt someone" for the voice that says "but you don't know that someone. And who cares as long as you gain!", get gain but lose humanity. And it's infectious. Instead of "all people are equal", we get "some are entitled to more". Instead of "let's pull together to help each other", we get "but my need is much more important than yours". People are creating lines "us" against "them". And the lines are becoming more distinct. Everyone is rallying to a side. Athletes should be grateful for the money we give them! Undocumented people should go back to where they came from! Women are lower than men! You should be exactly the same as me and if you are not, I will hate you! Gays have a mental illness! Dog lovers are corrupt! Cat lovers hate fish! Vegans are the only ones who care about anything! Only old, rich, white men can make decisions about how we run our country!
I keep hoping that that small voice in people's heads will win. I keep going that people will see the Decay and realize how much they are hurting themselves along with all of those they feel like need to be hurt. I keep hoping...

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